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IOMLIFET is a spreadsheet system for life-table calculations in the context of health impact assessments. These can be used for predictions of the patterns of mortality and life expectancy ensuing from a change in mortality rates, from whatever source or planned intervention.
There are four separate ZIP files that can be downloaded free of charge:
IOMLIFET 2013 LIFE EXPECT ALL-CAUSE.ZIP contains a simple spreadsheet that takes mortality hazard rates and calculates remaining life expectancy from any achieved age, and gains or losses in years of life expectancy when the hazard rates are changed.
Download IOMLIFET_2013_LIFE_EXPECT_ALL-CAUSE.ZIP here. (1.42 MB)
IOMLIFET 2013 LIFE EXPECT MULTI-CAUSE.ZIP contains a variant on the simple spreadsheet, which allows independent manipulation of mortality hazard rates for up to six separate causes of death. It then recombines these and, as above, calculates remaining life expectancy from any achieved age, and gains or losses in years of life expectancy when the hazard rates are changed.
IOMLIFET_2013_ALL-CAUSE.ZIP contains the complete set of spreadsheets for doing similar calculations of the results of manipulating all-cause hazard rates in a population of different ages.
Download IOMLIFET2013_ALL-CAUSE.ZIP here. (10.7 MB)
IOMLIFET_2013_MULTI-CAUSE.ZIP contains a development of the same spreadsheet system, expanded so that up to 6 specific causes of death may be manipulated independently.
Download IOM_LIFET2013_MULTI-CAUSE.ZIP here. (14.2 MB)
Each of the ZIP files contains a PDF copy of IOM Research Report TM/06/01, which describes the methodology and shows some examples, and a README guide to using the sheets. If you want to read more about what the spreadsheets do before downloading them, you can download these documents separately.
Download IOM_TM0601.PDF here. (2.22 MB)
Download IOMLIFET_2013_Readme.pdf here. (269 KB)
These spreadsheets have been developed with funding from the UK Department of Health and Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and are distributed free of charge. If you use them in your work, please give an acknowledgement, preferably by referencing the IOM Research Report TM/06/01.