PROJECT: Improving exposure assessment methodologies for epidemiological studies on pesticides (IMPRESS)

Client/Funder: European Crop Protection Association

Brief summary of work: The Improving Exposure Assessment Methodologies for Epidemiological Studies on Pesticides (IMPRESS) project aims to further the understanding of the performance of pesticide Exposure Assessment Methods (EAM). The IMPRESS project used two approaches to assess EAM performance:

  1. Existing and newly collected data was used, from five existing studies from three different countries (UK, Uganda and Malaysia), that members of the IMPRESS team were responsible for, these being:
    • Prospective Investigation of Pesticide Applicators’ Health (PIPAH), UK
    • Pesticide Users Health Study (PUHS), UK
    • Study of Health in Agricultural Work (SHAW), UK
    • Pesticide Use in Tropical Settings (PESTROP), Uganda
    • Malaysia farm workers, Malaysia
  2. The use of published secondary data. Three meta-analyses were undertaken to investigate the influence of EAMs, and other parameters such as geographical area, study design, and time period, on the standardised risk ratio of prostate cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Parkinson’s disease.

Collaborative partners: Health & Safety Laboratory, Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (Utrecht University), The Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health (University of Manchester)

Project website:

Published papers: