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Hand-Arm Vibration Monitoring and Risk Assessment
What is Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)?
Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome (sometimes abbreviated to HAVS) is caused by working with vibrating tools and causes damage to nerves, blood vessels and joints of the hand, wrist and arm. This changes the sensation of the fingers and can lead to permanent numbness of fingers and muscle weakness. Workers using hand-held power tools for prolonged periods are at serious risk of developing HAVS.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has recently launched a series of prosecutions against employers for failing to ensure that adequate measures were taken to minimise workers’ exposure to vibration and thus putting them at risk of developing hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS).
By law, employers must assess and identify measures to remove or reduce risks from exposure to hand-arm vibration and ensure that the correct control measures are in place and information, training and health surveillance are provided.
How IOM can help:
IOM’s highly trained occupational hygienists can provide hand-arm vibration testing and risk assessments to ensure that your business is meeting compliance regulations.
How our experts can help:
- Provide support to help meet compliance regulations.
- Measure vibration and undertake risk assessments.
- Carry out health surveillance on workers at risk.
- Advise how to control vibration exposure.
- Prepare policies, procedures to manage safely, and vibration impacts.
- Provide staff awareness training
For more advice, or to speak to an occupational hygienist complete the quick quote form below.
Hand-arm vibration is preventable, nearly two million people are at risk, and once damaged, it is permanent and seriously disabling.