This is the premier international conference on epidemiology in occupational health. Over 450 delegates are expected from the four corners of the globe. Delegates have expertise in epidemiology, occupational medicine, exposure science, statistics, psychosocial conditions and ergonomics, plus many related disciplines. The conference pays particular attention to the needs of early career researchers. There is also an interesting social programme attached to the conference. This year’s keynote speakers are talking on occupational epidemiology, exposure science, novel epidemiological methods, the role of industry in research, occupational cancer, and lessons learned from epidemiological studies of coal workers. A lifetime achievement award winner will also be delivering a keynote lecture.
The Organising Committee includes the following IOM staff: Prof Damien McElvenny (Chair) (Principal Epidemiologist); Prof John Cherrie (Co-Chair) (Chair in Human Health at Heriot Watt University and Principal Scientist at IOM), Prof Anthony Seaton (former IOM Director and Honorary Senior Consultant); Dr Sotiris Vardoulakis (Research Director); Hilary Cowie (Head of Statistics and Toxicology); Grant Law (Marketing Director); Dr Ioannis Basinas (Senior Scientist); Will Mueller (Statistician).