Celebrating our 50th anniversary at OH2019

The keynote talk was followed by a panel session organised by IOM on Emerging Risks in the workplace, which started with four short presentations by IOM speakers. Prof Damien McElvenny (Principal Epidemiologist) discussed advice for employers of shift workers and what they should do to protect their workers’ health.  Professor John Cherrie (Principal Scientist) spoke about new research into neurodegenerative diseases, including the Heading study amongst former British soccer players and how we measure head impact exposure in sport.  Dr Miranda Loh (Senior Scientist) discussed biomonitoring and the use of the “exposome” approach to health research as a framework for identifying environmental causes of diseases.  Dr Joanne Crawford (Head of Ergonomics and Human Factors) described the potential impacts of automation and robotics on health and safety, which can rid us of the dirty and repetitive jobs but at the moment are having more of an impact on dehumanising work.