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PPE Whole Suit Testing
Protective coveralls and PPE are worn to protect people that work with substances hazardous to health. Manufacturers of this type of clothing must adhere to UK and International standards to determine the effectiveness of their products.
Within our laboratory, our expert team can establish the effectiveness of protective coverall against fine particle aerosols, both heavy and light sprays of liquid and a jet of liquid.
As a UKAS accredited testing laboratory No. 0374 we provide testing services to many major manufacturers and end users of chemical protective suits. You can be confident we carry out testing to relevant UK and International standards.
Testing the effectiveness of protective coveralls are essential to keeping workers safe and healthy
Protective suits against hazardous materials is required in many professional and non-professional activities of everyday life. Effective and adequate protection is needed when managing the following hazards:
- Households e.g. cleaning agents, peroxides, acids and bases, paints
- Agricultural e.g. fuel, pesticides
- Medical settings e.g. pharmaceuticals and active ingredients
- Industrial production e.g. petro-chemicals, chemicals, paints, adhesive and coatings
- Manufacturing of products e.g. light bulbs, cars, semi-conductors
- Emergency activities e.g. boat, rail or road accidents as well as fire-fighting in an urban and industrial setting
- Military operations or response to incidents of terrorism.
We work with manufacturers of chemical protective suits to provide testing capabilities; our quantitative and qualitative data reporting provides vital insight in product development, material or component research, part of a QC or QA regime and informs part of the CE Marking process.
Our service provides specialist advice on standards, specifications and specialist liaison throughout the process of testing and reporting.
Chemical protective suits testing services:
- Total Inward Leakage (TIL) to test the resistance of protective clothing both ventilated and non-ventilated (Type 5) to penetration by a fine particle aerosol. Tested to European Standards ISO13982(1/2) and ISO1073 (parts 1 and 2);
- Practical Performance testing (out with UKAS accreditation);
- Light and Heavy spray testing (Types 4 and 6) for the determination of the resistance of protective clothing to penetration by a spray of liquid. Tested to EN17491-4(a);
- Jet testing (Type 3) for the determination of resistance of protective clothing to penetration by a jet of liquid. Testing to EN17491-3 and tested to performance requirements set out in EN14605.
Protective coverall provides a last line of defence for chemical safety; it does not replace more proactive measures like COSHH risk assessments. To determine whether exposures are effectively prevented or adequately controlled see our workplace protection pages.
Contact: Josh Smith on 0131 449 8000, or complete the Quick Quote form below: