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SAFENANO blends multi-disciplinary expertise in hazard, exposure and risk assessment.
SAFENANO brings together multi-disciplinary expertise in hazard, exposure and risk assessment, using current best practice and international standards for particle measurement, toxicology, occupational hygiene and risk management. These services are supported by our open-access Knowledge Base which communicates the emerging scientific evidence and developments regarding nanotechnology risks and their management.
We help our clients to successfully implement responsible risk management practices, based on a sound understanding of the hazards, exposures and risks with nanotechnology. With our UK offices, IOM has unrivalled expertise and capability in risk management designed to support research, regulation, and commercialisation of nanotechnology.
Our key services in relation to nanomaterial safety include:
Nanomaterial Risk Assessment
- Risk assessments through integration of hazard and exposure evaluations, with recommendations on safe practice and appropriate control measures;
- Reviews to scope, assess and interpret evidence and emerging issues;
- Evidence appraisal to inform policy, guidance and standards development;
- Development of in-house exposure limits;
- Bespoke training to understand and manage risks.
Workplace exposure monitoring
- Real-time characterisation of particle release from the handling, manufacture and finishing of nanomaterial products and articles;
- Assessing the persistence of nanomaterials in the air;
- Personal and area sampling of airborne particles, with offline gravimetric, imaging, and/or chemical analysis;
- Evaluation of control measures;
- Providing comprehensive analysis, interpretation, and best practice recommendations.
Hazard Assessment & Toxicology
- Sample preparation and characterisation;
- Customised study designs for particles and fibres;
- Benchmarked in vitro toxicology studies for inhalation, dermal, and ingestion exposure;
- Complementary assays for evaluating cell viability, oxidative stress and inflammation;
- Safer-by-design screening for candidate product evaluation;
- Biodurability assessment;
- Optical, confocal and electron microscopy analysis of cells and tissue;
- Support with regulatory compliance;
- Access to ecotoxicology expertise to support environmental risk assessment.
Material Characterisation
- Instrumental and microscopic analysis to provide hazard-relevant information on: number- and volume-rated particle size distributions (as per the EU Definition of a Nanomaterial).