New nanoparticles papers by Dr Michael Riediker
The first two links below take you to the abstracts, the third one to the video article.
Gschwind S, Graczyk H, Günther D, Riediker M. (2016). A method for the preservation and determination of welding fume nanoparticles in exhaled breath condensate. Environmental Science: Nano: 357-364.!divAbstract
Ding Y, Stahlmecke B, Kaminski H, Jiang Y, Kuhlbusch TAJ, Riediker M. (2016). Dr Michael Riediker, Aerosol Science and Technology. 25 July (epub).
Ding Y, Riediker M. (2016). A system to create stable nanoparticle aerosols from nanopowders. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 26 July (epub).