NHS staff clap for the contractors that have worked night and day to complete NHS Louisa Jordan.



Yesterday (19.04.2020) Scotland’s NHS Louisa Jordan hospital facility was completed. An emotional round of applause was given to construction workers at the Scottish Event Campus as they left the premises for the last time.

Our expert Authorising Engineer services have been provided for the ventilation systems within the field hospital. Our team adapted the exhibition centre halls into a fully functional field hospital. The work required the alteration of existing ventilation and new systems to provide suitable ventilation for the care of patients.

Turning an exhibition centre from a conference facility into a fully functional, clean and safe hospital was challenging but the effort has been satisfying and we feel privileged to be able to offer services on such a vital project.

The field hospital is a safeguard and it is hoped the facility will not need to be used during the coronavirus outbreak.

At Sunday’s daily media briefing Health Secretary Jeane Freeman also issued her gratitude for the construction workers on behalf of the Scottish Government.

She said: “It could not have been achieved without all the contractors involved in the planning, construction and equipping of the hospital. They have our very grateful thanks – but we also take this opportunity to thank contractors who continue to work on other NHS Scotland projects. Your continued commitment to deliver is allowing us to ensure quality care for patients in the future.”

IOM has been protecting workers and the public from substances hazardous to health for 50 years. This is one of many areas the IOM team is helping to fight COVID-19. As well as providing Authorising Engineer services for the ventilation systems we are also working with some NHS Trusts to provide Face Fit tester training to ensure as many NHS and DHSC workers can use PPE correctly and protect themselves from the virus.

We are also supporting the Society of Occupational Medicine (SOM) and campaigning alongside many other organisations to raise awareness of the risks facing healthcare and other workers in the UK and globally. We need to help protect employees and demonstrate good practice. We want to see the UK government set a goal of ‘Zero Work Caused Fatalities’ in this pandemic within the NHS, DHSC, essential services and UK business.

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IOM Hospital Ventilation Services