Workers need safe and effective Local exhaust ventilation (LEV)



Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) in your workplace should carry away any harmful dust, mist, fumes or gas in the air.

As buildings, workshops and factories start to reopen, local exhaust ventilation (LEV) systems within them may have sat dormant or underused for weeks. Without the correct checks in place, workers could be at an increased risk of exposure to airborne contaminants.


Even during the current epidemic, duty-holders still have a legal responsibility to maintain work equipment and carry out thorough examinations, written schemes and Statutory Inspections. These legal duties exist to help manage the significant hazard that the failure of such equipment can pose. Not complying with these duties can significantly increase the risk of harm to workers and members of the public.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is not considering issuing exemptions or relaxation of these requirements. HSE state that even if businesses are currently closed to meet COVID-19 related government advice or restrictions, access should still be given to inspectors to undertake thorough examinations.

Our Occupational Hygiene team are well placed to support you to ensure the reopening of your establishment is a safe and healthy one. To understand how we can support you visit our Local exhaust ventilation testing and inspection page.

Occupational Hygiene